Ch.8 Longings


■3rd Person POV■

All of the volleyball members are training at the gym. The managers are currently not very busy, lunchtime just pass and they have cleaned all of the dishes. They have some free time and decided to watch the boys practice.

The Karasuno managers are watching on the sidelines of the Karasuno courtside. Y/N watching as Karasuno and Nekoma have a match when suddenly her attention was diverted to a certain setter from Fukurodani's courtside. Y/N watches as Bokuto asked for a toss and Akaashi swiftly tosses the ball to him.

Bokuto smacks the ball and a loud bam was heard. Everyone's attention was on Bokuto, he definitely deserves to be on the nation's top five.

But Y/N gaze was locked on Akaashi, the way he tossed the ball sent a chill down her spine. She always likes watching a setter toss the ball but watching Akaashi made her somewhat delighted.

When Y/N is still staring at Akaashi, Akashi's gaze found her as well. Their eyes met and Y/N was embarrassed that she was caught staring, but Akaashi just smiled warmly at her.

Y/N feels something is throbbing inside, she feels like her eyes always drawn to him. From the first day of the camp until now, on break time or after practice Y/N hang with the Fukurodani members some time.

During the time she spent with them she found that Akaashi seems to know her very well. Like how Akaashi seems to know about her fear of darkness and tended to walk with her through a dark hallway if no one's with her. Yesterday and the day before, he gave her strawberry milk and strawberry yogurt. She thinks that Akaashi is very kind, and she's getting more and more comfortable around him. She wishes she knows about him as well so she could return his kindness.

It's almost dinner time, the managers had prepared the food in the canteen. Y/N, Yukie, and Kaori are walking to the gym right now, to call some of the boys who are still practicing. Kaori realized that Y/N seems like in deep thought.


Tomorrow is the last day of the camp, I'm happy that I'm able to spend times with my old friends here. But something is been bugging me a lot. Akaashi san had been treating me nicely, well all of my old friends did too.

The thing is I don't have any memories about Akaashi san, but unlike Bokuto san and the other, it seems like he knew me so well. He'd been giving me drinks and walk with me when I'm alone. It's not fair for him...

Kaori : Y/N what's wrong?

Kaori senpai stops walking and put her hand on my shoulder. We're currently in the hallway not too far from the gym entrance.

Y/N : senpai... Akaashi san had been really kind to me, he bought me drinks and walk with me. I want to do something for him as well, but I don't even know anything about him. Are we close before?

I look at my senpais, they look at me with a worried expression. I look down at my feet, somehow I feel bad. Then Yukie senpai lifts my chin to look at her, she's smiling warmly.

Yukie : why don't you talk to him? Ask him anything that you want to know, he will surely answer.

With that Kaori senpai grabs my hand and pulls me to the Gym, Yukie senpai walks ahead of us. We found Tsukishima kun, Hinata kun, Kuro san, Lev Kun, Bokuto senpai, and Akaashi san.

Yukie senpai told them that the diner's ready and if they don't hurry they might not get a bite. With that, the boys stop their practice and walk out of the gym. Yukie senpai called Akaashi when he's in the hallway and he stopped walking.

Yukie : Akaashi, Y/N want to talk with you.

Akaashi : oh sure, what is it?

With that Yukie and Kaori leave Akaashi san and me in the hallway. Akashii san walks to me and suggests we move to a brighter place. I just realized that it was really dark where we stood right now. With that, we moved back to the gym entrance.

Akaashi : what is it? Are you alright?

Akashi stares at me, and I look up. Those eyes, whenever he stared at me it feels like he was longing for something. I shook my head telling him that I'm alright.

Y/N : Akaashi san... um, tomorrow is the last day of the camp ( I was fidgeting). During my stay here you always help me out and gave me drinks as well. You're so kind... i- I want to repay your kindness.

I look up at the slightly surprised Akaashi san. I was suddenly embarrassed by my forwardness, I look down and shut my eyes. Just then I feel my hair was tugged behind my ear, I open my eyes to meet the gentle smile of Akaashi san. My heart feels tight at the sight and I grew stiff at the sudden contact.

Akaashi : You don't have to repay me for anything, it's alright.

Akaashi san withdrew his hand from my face. His presence overwhelmed me with familiarity.

Y/N : I- But it's not fair... Akaashi san seems to know a lot about me but I.. I don't know a thing about you except that you are a kind person, the setter of Fukurodani and you're someone who likes to give me strawberry flavored drinks... I want to know too, are we close before for you to know so much about me?? (I muttered)

He was taken aback by my sudden outburst. I studied him, hoping that I'll get a slight clue to trigger my memory but I don't seem to recall anything. But one thing for sure, even tho my mind doesn't remember him, my body feels familiar around him. Just then I was surrounded by warmth. Akaashi san is, hugging me?

Akaashi : why did you have to say all that? I've been holding myself back so you won't have a hard time.... (he withdrew himself from me and look into my eyes ) yes we were close...

My heart is beating fast, I look up at his face. Akaashi san has this pained expression even though he was smiling. Why can't I remember him if we were so close? Why did I have to lose my memory in the first place?

Akaashi : if you can't remember it's alright, I'm just happy to finally see you again. I can't help it, I want to buy you strawberry flavored snacks and drink when I couldn't in the past six months.

If I was being forgotten by someone close to me, I wouldn't want that. He looks at me with those longing eyes again. I encourage myself to grab one of his hands.

Y/N : I'm sorry that I don't know anything about you. If I, If I can't remember then I want to learn about you. ( I look up at him)
And please, let me repay you... tell me what I could do to make you happy like how you did for me these days.

Akashi looks at me and then to my hands that covering him. I just realized that I'm holding on to his hand and about to take my hands off him, but. He covers both of my hands with his bigger one. He looks at me, his eyes are gentle and he's smiling softly.

Akaashi : then, if you really want to repay my kindness... call me by my name.

Call him by his name? Is it what he wants as a repayment? Just thinking about it makes my face grew warm. Well, Akaashi san is calling me by my name. I look up at him and he's staring back at me with that longing eyes. I can't refuse...

Y/N : ke-i-ji.... (I breathe out and look at him) Keiji

His name that passed my lips, felt natural. Keiji looks at me with wide eyes, and then he's smiling.

Akaashi : Thankyou Y/N... now let's get inside.

He took one of his hands off my hand but keep the other one, as he pulling me softly to walk with him to the canteen.

I feel comfortable around him

Even if I have no memory of him

My body remembers the feeling when he's next to me.

I wish to remember

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